Further photos and updates are available on the "UKWCT Friends" Facebook group.
(Please note: the group is not an official UKWCT site; opinions and views posted there may differ from those of the UKWCT.)
Previous updates are available:
Mar-Apr ,Jan-Feb
Oct-Dec, September, August, July, June, Mar-May, Feb, Jan
Dec, Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, May/Jun, Mar/Apr , Jan/Feb
Nov/Dec 2018 and Sep/Oct 2018
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there will be fewer updates than usual. The wolves are still receiving excellent care from our volunteers, there are just fewer of them on site.
27th June 2021
We turned up to an overcast sky and started off with getting the Beenhams out for an hour's walk today as we were mindful there were maintenance jobs to be done which we wanted completed before the forecasted lightning and thunder struck mid afternoon.19th June 2021
After torrents of rain yesterday, the skies were still heavy and a gunmetal grey as we all arrived this morning. However, the day was much cooler and therefore our 2 long walks with the Arctic and Beenham packs did not leave us wilting in the sun!13th June 2021
It was a early start today to ensure we got the wolves back in their enclosures before the weather got hot. The wolves were still eager to come out and were certainly not slowing down in the warm. No stopping for fusses today .Once back we had time for a leisurely coffee break before we started maintenance. Most of the work completed today was light duty stuff ie checking the wolf perimeters and strimming back a few areas. The tortoises had a spa whilst their living areas were cleaned.6th June 2021
A very warm and muggy day at the wolf trust today, but there was still plenty of activity!30th May 2021
I arrived on site with the weather being 7 degrees cooler than when I had left my house. That is not a bad thing as it is nicer to walk the wolves when the weather is cool. Tsa, the Director and her son were already working with the tractor in the enclosures mowing the long grass. The wolves are kept safe in their holding areas at this time.23rd May 2021
A largely cloudy and cool day greeted the volunteers as we arrived on Saturday. Torak appeared briefly, then it was time to set out the plan for the day.8th May 2021
On Saturday we woke up to a wet and windy day but all of us dressed up in our finest rainy day gear ready for a woflie day! And what a lovely day it was! We started the day with a Beenham walk! The wolves had a good sniff about and enjoyed a little tickle from their human friends. We ventured into the back field where Tala had a good investigation of the old badger sett, at the bottom of the field the stream was lovely and full, so Nuka and Tundra went for a dip in wolf creek and wandered down stream, Tala found a stick further down the stream and that was far more interesting but did enjoy a little dip whilst exploring the opposite bank!2nd May 2021
We all arrived prepared for all types of weather today. After a pre-brief by the Senior handlers, first out were the Arctics, Massak, Sikko and Pukak. They couldn’t wait to get out and you’d think they would be charging off to explore their territory. However, the aptly named walks we used to do with the public, ‘An Arctic Amble’, is still very suited to them. They are fully engaged with their surroundings, sniffing and scenting as we go along, but they really do amble along.