18th January 2020
A sunny, crisp morning greeted the volunteers when they arrived at the Trust, along with Mosi - she usually takes a keen interest as we all arrive.
We started, as we so often do, with a Beenham walk. The chill in the air seemed to impart extra energy to them and they took off at something not far off a trot. It was quite a work-out and they carried on for over half a mile before finally coming to a halt... and even then they'd quite happily have carried on, we only stopped so that one of the senior handlers could make sure no walkers were waiting around the corner. There were in fact people out and about, with a dog, but far enough away that the wolves paid no heed. The wolves then chose a slower pace, albeit still brisk by the standards of the old members' walks that we used to do. There was some ice in one of the water troughs and Nuka enjoyed himself licking and biting it; his sisters were far less interested. After going around the bottom field (with a good deal of squelching due to the soggy ground), we returned the wolves to their enclosure.
We took a quick break, then collected Mai's collar and lead. She watched with interest and was keen to come out, tail fluffed up and held high... she can't resist showing off to her sister when she goes past. Mai put on a good turn of speed, too, although compared to the Beenhams' walk it was much more sedate. We went around the top field and she thoroughly enjoyed herself, albeit she didn't fancy a dip in the pond. After the pond she made her mind up that she wanted to return to Motomo, so we headed back to her enclosure.
Mosi and Torak were milling around in the corner of their enclosure, watching us with Mai. They're ever hopeful of a walk and their wish was granted, for we had just enough handlers to take them out. We started off by following the route Mai took, with Mosi over-scenting where her former packmate had been. We went down by the pond and then, as Mosi seemed to be doing well, headed through "bluebell wood" to the log field. This was especially slippery due to fallen leaves and mud, but we made it through without any mishaps. We circled the field, a place they've not been to for a considerable time, then took them back to their enclosure. They really seemed to enjoy their walk, even with the odd bark from the Arctics (who were watching us in the log field).
With the three walks completed, we’d covered just under four miles (half of that with the Beenhams). Lunch followed, both for us and the wolves (but not the red kites, who were circling around in the hope of some scraps).
We finished the day with a visit inside the Beenhams' enclosure, where the muddied wolves received plenty of ear-rubs and stroking, while Tundra was able to rub her neck on the volunteers as she so loves to do. We stayed with them for quite a while, with both wolves and volunteers enjoying the moment. We left with the afternoon sun turning everything a golden hue, including the wolves; it was another enjoyable day.
Some photos by Eve.