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22nd September 2018
A soggy Saturday
Rain or shine, life goes on at the Trust. The 22nd saw plenty of rain, but it didn't bother the wolves - it never does! Over a dozen volunteers had put their names down and each was greeted by Mosi. Although she no longer sees the public, she continues to check out the volunteers as they arrive. Torak as usual kept a keen eye on arrivals, too, as he's always keen to come out for a walk with his handlers.
There have been some changes to the enclosures, as Mai and Motomo have moved into the Arctics' old enclosure for the winter. We feel Mai will benefit more from the kennels there. The Arctics are temporarily in the holding pen next to Torak and Mosi while work takes place to prepare Mai and Motomo's old enclosure for them.
The Beenhams, as ever, are resident in the lower enclosure. Work such as grass cutting in the enclosures continues, with the aim of keeping the wolves comfortable and safe.
There were enrichment walks for the Beenhams, as well as Torak and Mosi; Mai wasn't interested in coming out, instead preferring to stay with Motomo. Torak, Mosi and the Beenhams, however, enjoyed their walks, with Torak and Mosi both delighting in rolling in smelly stuff! Nuka, meanwhile, was fascinated by the green covering on the hay bales in the lower field, although much as he wanted to he didn't get to take any back with him.
As the Arctics have now moved, the webcam covering their enclosure now shows Mai and Motomo.