In the last decade the Trust has been able to donate over £450,000 to projects worldwide in countries including Armenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Ethiopia, France, Greece, India, Nepal, Portugal, Russia, Spain, and the USA. The varied aims of these projects range from educational programmes, reduction of wolf/human conflict and the rescue and rehabilitation of Russian wolf pups allowing them to be released back into the wild. We are particularly proud to be able to offer financial support to two of the world’s most endangered canids, the Red Wolf (USA) and the Ethiopian wolf. The Trust has also funded the purchase of equipment such as camera traps and vehicles for transportation, to aid field work. ‘Working to Keep Wolves in the Wild’ is a stated aim of the Trust. We feel that each of these projects is doing just that.
Funds are raised for these international projects via our range of Educational events which include inviting Schools, Colleges and Universities to the Trust's centre in Berkshire as well as holding experience days that allow our visitors to get close to our packs of ambassador wolves. Education is at the root of all the Trust's activities, aiming to dispel the myths and legends that surround a species that is still all too often misunderstood. Our aim is that every visitor to the Trust learns about the wolf, its importance within the ecosystem and how wolves and humans can learn to live alongside each other without conflict.